Monday, September 3, 2012

What Cherrie Palmer Says...

"Funny piece I enjoyed it,it's well written and lots of humor."

THANK YOU, Cherrie!  We're so happy that you got a good laugh from our blog, "You Used to be Hot," available  here. :-)  Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What Eagle Cruagh Says...

"Well, that was an eye opener and a pain in the ass
and everywhere one can think of.
Miserable as this story was, it was the first one I have ever
seen and a story that should have been written ages ago.
I have no words of wisdom for you, only praise for writing
such a painful thing.
You have my abject sympathy and you have made a convert.
I will be very careful how I treat the next lady who shows
up with the symptioms. I will send her home with a hot water
bottle and assorted Kotex and that is about all the limited mind
of a typical male can come up with.
 Again, thanks for an ingenious writing, a great puclic service."


Eagle, you gave us quite a good laugh with your feedback.  THANK YOU!  We're happy to hear things from your perspective and glad you enjoyed the blog, "An Ode to Periods," available here! :-)