Monday, September 3, 2012

What Cherrie Palmer Says...

"Funny piece I enjoyed it,it's well written and lots of humor."

THANK YOU, Cherrie!  We're so happy that you got a good laugh from our blog, "You Used to be Hot," available  here. :-)  Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What Eagle Cruagh Says...

"Well, that was an eye opener and a pain in the ass
and everywhere one can think of.
Miserable as this story was, it was the first one I have ever
seen and a story that should have been written ages ago.
I have no words of wisdom for you, only praise for writing
such a painful thing.
You have my abject sympathy and you have made a convert.
I will be very careful how I treat the next lady who shows
up with the symptioms. I will send her home with a hot water
bottle and assorted Kotex and that is about all the limited mind
of a typical male can come up with.
 Again, thanks for an ingenious writing, a great puclic service."


Eagle, you gave us quite a good laugh with your feedback.  THANK YOU!  We're happy to hear things from your perspective and glad you enjoyed the blog, "An Ode to Periods," available here! :-)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Liam Says....

"An excellent read with aspects that can relate to everyone."

Thank you so much, Liam!  We're so glad you're liking the blog.  :-)  Love you!

What K.C. Zbryk Says...

"The voice in this leapt out at me, and although the topic itself isnt my normal read i think you found a way to portray this in a unique and intelligent way. Honestly i think this piece is amazingly well written..."

Thank you, K.C.!  So glad we could connect on  We appreciate your feedback on our blog, "Ode to Periods--A Story by Corrine Miles," available here!

What Fabian G. Franklin Says...

"this was funny...and had me smiling the entire way through. You exhibit great talent as a storyteller. Bravo."

Thanks Fabian, our dear friend from  We're happy you like our blog, "Things that Happen When You Have a Really, REALLY Hair Body," available here!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Smilysoly Says...

"well, that was remarkable. your courage to write that piece! i may not witness that in my society but i've seen quite a lot of examples for teens who waste their lives in that way! alcohols, drugs and so on. you got the point !"

Many thanks to our friend from, who wrote this in response to the blog, "You Used to be Hot" (read it here!).  We appreciate your support! xoxo

Baby Ricochet Says...

"HA! Loved it! loved it! loved it! To funny!...Awesome story. Glad I read it"

We're so glad you enjoyed our blog entry, "Your Life in One Aisle of Wal-Mart and Why Guys Have It Easy--A Story by Corrine Miles" (read it here!).  Thank you for your support, Baby Ricochet!  Great to meet you on! <3